Dogs won’t be called the man’s best friend for nothing. For thousands of years, dogs have been the best pets and primary companions of humans when it comes to hunting and gathering. Today, there are more dog breeds of different sizes and temperaments than you can imagine. For sure, there is a perfect dog breed for you out there. In all angles, your dogs are the best and you should treat them as family members instead of pets.

Cats are great home pets as well because they can be great companions and can keep your house pets free. However, dogs as pets are also a great addition to your home. If you are considering having your first dog in your home, you should know the benefits of having one. Here are some reasons why dogs make the best home pets.
Dog Ownership Helps You Stay Active
One of the reasons why dogs make the best pet is because they can encourage pet owners to have an active lifestyle. One of the responsibilities of a dog parent is to walk their canine companion every day. Yes, going for a jog or a walk maybe sometimes difficult, but it becomes easier when you have your furry friend around with you.
Walking is not the only form of exercise that you can have when you become a dog parent. Even playing with a dog makes you tired and can count as exercise. You can notice this every time you’re feeling tired after playing a game of fetch. If you want a dog that will make you more active, a working dog is the best for you because they require a lot of exercises.
Dogs make you feel less alone
Dogs are great canine companions to your home because they make you feel less lonely. There will be moments where your family and friends won’t be around with you. These times can be lonely but if you have them with you, they can be your most loyal friends. In fact, there are therapy dogs that can be emotional support animals.
They are highly sociable so it means that it is almost impossible for you to get lonely when they are around. Owning a dog means that you will have a friend by your side if ever you get sad because they can detect the emotions of their human companions as well. The joy starts when you come home from work and you see your puppy running towards you to greet you.
Dogs can teach valuable lessons
Another reason why you should have a dog is the lessons they can teach you and your family. When it comes to happiness, your dog will teach you that it does not take a lot to make you happy. And when it comes to children, your dog will teach responsibility because you need to teach them tricks, how to potty, and even basic manners.
Having a dog is also a responsibility because of its basic needs. If your kid wants a dog, you should have a deal that they should feed and bathe the dog. Another valuable lesson that you can learn from having a dog is patience. Sometimes, they will test yours and before you know it, you know how to handle difficult situations.
They can protect your home
An obvious reason why you should have a dog is protection. Certain breeds can be great guard dogs for your house. This is extra protection from all the possible instances of burglary. Rottweilers and Dobermans make great guard dogs but our very own Aspin can be great guard pets as well.
Dogs can give you all the absolute protection you need from the inside. From the outside, you would want to live somewhere with 24/7 protection, you want to live in a house and lot in the Philippines that’s safe, Camella is an excellent choice for your family and your dog. With both of these protections, you and your family will feel safer.
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Dogs bring you great health benefits
According to studies, dog owners have a greater immune system than those who aren’t. Dog owners also have a lower chance of needing medication. Owners are less likely to have a heart attack too. One reason for this is because dog owners get themselves exercised every time there are walking their dogs.
Dogs can also help people in moving on. If you ever lost a loved one, they can sense bereavement and be there for you. In fact, they can be a huge help when it comes to mental health problems. Other dogs can even assist blind people if the proper training was given.
They can bring you friends
When you take a dog outside for a walk, there is a huge chance that people will approach you and ask stuff about your dog. One of the benefits of having a dog as a home pet is it can introduce you to people from all walks of life. Most likely, you will meet other people who have dogs too. Introducing your dog to other people is a delightful experience for your pet.
And inside the home, they can be a great companion for the guests as well. They can accommodate and play with your guests while you prepare food for them. There are also communities online where you can join and see stuff from other dog owners. They are sociable to other dogs as well.
How to take care of your dog

Dogs bring a lot to the table and can surely be your best companion at home. But before buying or adopting a dog, you should know how to take care of them. First, you have to feed them with high-quality dog food to maintain their bodies. Giving them baths is also a chore that you should do as a dog owner. All the benefits of having a dog comes with a responsibility as well.
And when it comes to their temperament, it is your responsibility to teach them tricks and the right behavior. Your dog is a blessing and you should be a blessing for them as well. Before buying a particular breed, you should first consider if you can provide their specific needs as a breed. But if you want a better option, the best thing to do is adopt a dog from shelters.
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