We all need a space to get away from the stress and pressure once in a while. Here’s how you can create an emotional escape room at home.
Things have become more hectic since the pandemic began. For many, everyday reality consists of unanticipated risk assessments, disrupted routines, and never-ending news regarding the status of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world, in the Philippines, and in our own communities.

When the lockdown was implemented in our country and by our local government units, a lot of people rode the trend of making Dalgona coffee on Tiktok; many of us became plantitos and plantitas; and some of us engaged in physical activities like jogging, walking, and biking. All of these activities obviously helped a lot of us manage and reduce our stress.
The new year may be going swimmingly, and the post-holiday activities are in full swing. But when things get rough, what we usually crave is a space for us to become emotionally stable once again.
This is where emotional escape rooms come in.

What are Emotional Escape Rooms?
According to Pinterest experts, emotional escape rooms or wellness rooms are the newest house craze, and they are the polar opposite of a panic room.
An emotional escape room is exactly what it sounds like – a section of your home meant to help you relax after a period of work or tension and escape the difficult feelings of the day. Given how much time people have spent at home over the previous two years, it is simple to understand how your place has evolved into your haven, and this trend is merely asking you to lean in a little more.
Bring in your maximum relaxation at home with these tips:
Easy Ways To Keep Your Home Smelling Good

How do I build my emotional escape room?
If you are planning to build an emotional escape room or wellness room, here are a handful of ways how to achieve that.

Choose a soothing color palette
The color of the year is always a divisive topic among paint businesses. In 2022, no way. Almost every big brand introduced a pale green variant. The color is mellow, adaptable to a variety of lighting and aesthetics. It also pairs well with several different hues. The color Road to Todos Santos is a cool, subdued green with gray undertones that works well as a neutral base in your chill zone.
For a more trendy color palette, check out this year’s favorites: How To Incorporate 2022 Colors Into Your Home

Add some mood lighting
Lighting is everything. Lights can greatly affect the mood depending on the theme of your escape room. This is why it is better to choose the color of the lights that suit your personality and somehow that can uplift your mood.

Keep it organized
If your refuge is a crowded mess, you would not find any solace from the craziness of your life. Acrylic floating shelves are a minimalist’s dream come true. It allows you to exhibit whatever brings you delight, whether it is crystals, vinyl, or leather-bound books.
Play some music
You could play music directly from your phone, but something tells us that making this a phone-free zone will make it a little more pleasant. This is why those vinyl records are worth giving it a shot.

Get cozy
What is the most important rule of an emotional escape room? There will be no hard clothes or hard surfaces. Bring in those ultra-comfy floor cushions where you can recline anywhere.
What are the different types of wellness spaces you can create?
The issue about wellness is that it encompasses a wide range of activities. It could be physical wellbeing, such as a weight room or a workout room. A meditation room can help you relax your mind, while a yoga studio can help you relax your soul and joints.
Hobbies are excellent for emotional well-being; thus a hobby room is ideal! Here are some health room inspirations to get you started!
Hobby Room
To put it bluntly, hobbies are amazing. They assist you in thinking and clearing your mind. They also relieve tension and provide a sense of well-being. If you have a spare room at home, turning it into a hobby room is a fantastic idea!

What you need in your hobby room:
- A large table on which to work. This is especially true if your pastime is solving riddles or constructing structures out of Lego pieces.
- A relaxing chair. Because most activities are done while seated, a comfortable chair is essential. However, be sure it provides adequate back support to avoid future back problems.
- Organizers and storage boxes. Beading, crocheting, and sewing all require a large number of supplies. You will need storage bins and organizers for everything to avoid a massive mess.
- Lots of natural light. You want to see what you are doing when you enjoy your hobby, whether it is natural or man-made. This necessitates a lot of light. Of course, large windows are advantageous, but they would not help at night. Therefore, one or two strategically placed lamps are required.
Meditation Room
One of the most beneficial hobbies for your mind, spirit, and energy is meditation. It is also free, simple, and accessible from practically anywhere. A mediation room, on the other hand, is one of the better wellness room ideas if you have the extra space.

Here are the few items you will need to complete the look for your wellness room:
- Plants. Plants are completely natural, emit oxygen, and make you feel good.
- A mat for meditation. If you have wood floors, this is essential, if only for the sake of comfort.
- Relaxation-inducing posters and prints in a meditation room, nature photos, fantastic quotes, and simple, easy-to-repeat phrases make excellent wall decor. They assist you in getting into the swing of things.
- Music for meditation
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Reading Room
Unfortunately, reading is fast becoming a forgotten skill. However, if you enjoy reading, having a calm, pleasant reading space at home is essential. If there are any distractions in a reading room, they should be minimal. Be sure to never put a television or a computer inside this room. You will require a calm and pleasant environment.

It is a good idea to have a beautiful, comfortable chair and some mood lighting. Plants are also a good addition, as with some light, calming music. A notice on the door that reads “Only Interrupt Me If There Is a True Emergency” might also be helpful. This is especially useful if you have children at home.
Here is a list of the essentials for your reading room:
- A plush, overstuffed chair with good back support.
- Mood lighting in abundance, but plenty over your book to protect your eyes from the strain.
- Music that is soft and soothing. Classical music is ideal because there are no words to distract you.
- Lots of greenery. Check out this guide for easy indoor plants.
- Quiet and peace.
One thing to keep in mind while designing a wellness room is the reason for it – the urge to re-energize, focus, and release. If you stick to a plan, you will be able to avoid the “always something” that arises in everyday life.
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