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What is Real Estate Tax

How to Compute Real Estate Tax in the Philippines

Being a property owner is one of the biggest milestones in a person’s life. However, it’s no secret that it comes with responsibilities. Aside from paying off a bank loan, mortgage, and association fees to your real estate developer, among others, you will also need to pay real estate tax in the Philippines. There are a lot of moving parts in figuring out how much you need to pay, but there’s no...

How to prevent water leaks during typhoons at home Photo from No Probs Plumbing

How to prevent Water Leaks during Typhoons

How to prevent water leaks during typhoons at home Photo from No Probs Plumbing The Philippines is a country that is not new to flashfloods and typhoons. Every year, around 20 typhoons visit the Philippines, five of which can be considered "destructible." Last August 30, Super Typhoon Hinnamnor (local name: Typhoon Henry) entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility alongside Tropical Depression...

What we know so far on the Medellin Airport in Cebu

What We Know So Far About the Medellin Airport in Cebu

What we know so far on the Medellin Airport in Cebu Cebu sits at the heart of the Philippines, quite literally. It’s located in Central Visayas where almost every tourist and commerce destination is only a couple of hours—if not a few minutes— away by plane. The entire province’s airway is serviced solely by the Mactan International Airport (MCIA), which sees roughly a hundred flights a day,...

Warning signs of Contractor Fraud

10 Warning Signs of Contractor Fraud

Warning signs of Contractor Fraud The profitability and success of every real estate investor depend on working with the right contractor. If you choose a fraudulent contractor, you risk wasting time and money.  To identify the most important red flags to look out for when employing a contractor, here are ten signs that tell the difference between a trustworthy handyman from a deceitful...

Causes of Separation anxiety

How to prevent Separation Anxiety during face-to-face classes

August marked the first day of face-to-face classes since the pandemic. Students of all grade and year levels are more than excited to return to school and see their classmates again. Another sight that parents see after two years is a daycare center filled with crying preschoolers.  During the first day of classes, preschoolers will cry in their room when their parent leaves them. Parents usually...

How to verify information from media sources

National Press Freedom Day: How to Verify Information from Media Sources

How to verify information from media sources Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared August 30 as the National Press Freedom Day last April under Republic Act 11699. Under this law, August 30 will be a working holiday commemorating Marcelo H. Del Pilar, the father of Philippine journalism.  The modern world has been a double-edged sword for journalists as it can be a source of...

Arrival guide to returning overseas Filipino workers

Arrival Guide for Returning OFWs to the Philippines

Arrival guide to returning overseas Filipino workers There will be Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) returning to the Philippines this August for the university graduation of their children. And now that the “Ber months” are nearing, it is expected that some OFWs would love to spend the holidays with their relatives here in the Philippines.  Returning to the motherland is joyful. However,...

Camella's Infinity float successfully bags second place in the recently concluded Pamulak sa Kadayawan

Camella joins Kadayawan 2022, bags second in Pamulak

Camella Davao team joining this years floral float parade in support to Camella's Inifinity float entry Camella Davao joins the Davao City government on its month-long in-person celebration of Kadayawan Festival (also known as Kadayawan sa Dabaw), a first since the pandemic.  Davao City Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte commences this year's celebrations with the opening of Kadayawan Tribal...

What to Expect in Kadayawan Festival this 2022 Photo from HICAPS Mktg Corp

Davao Celebrates first Kadayawan Festival since COVID-19 Pandemic

Are you looking for something fun and exciting event this August? How about you visit Davao City for you to enjoy the most- awaited Kadayawan Festival? For Davawenyos, August is the month they look forward to the most since it is when the entire city will celebrate the much-anticipated Kadayawan Festival. This month-long celebration will be the first in-person festival since Covid-19 hit two years...

Tips for Business Owners during ghost month Photo from Panay News

Best Tips for Business Owners during Ghost Month

Tips for Business Owners during ghost month Photo from Panay News August is known as a “Ghost month” in the world of businesses because of the Chinese belief that the gates of hell are open and the spirits of the dead are wandering here on earth. Most firms during this time observe several practices to avoid bad luck or potential loss to the company. Whether or not you subscribe to this belief,...

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